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Finally Together

Adrian and Christina's personal and K1 pages

Welcome to our site. We hope you enjoy looking around!
95907visitors since 2nd March 2000. (9641 as of 7th September 2004)
...................................visitors since 7th September 2004.

Welcome to Ade and Chris's K1 website. We are a UK/US couple who met online and lived in America between May 2000 and August 2003.

This website is our place on the net to let others know how we met and the K1 visa process that let Ade move over to be with Chris in the US. We hope it will help anyone who is doing a similar thing- moving to a different country to be with the one they love- or at least prove an interesting read to everyone else!
Read about the cultural differences we discovered and the ups and downs of having a long term relationship. Check out the links page and learn more about us. Please sign the guestbook or send an email to let us know what you think!

Read my interview account:
Read about the latest in our trans-global adventure! (About Us page)


We are not attorneys. The links provided on this site do not constitute an attorney client relationship. We can only offer anecdotal advice and that advice is not legally binding in any way. You, the USER accept all responsibility for your use or misuse of any information or advice received from this site or from us. By using this site you the USER agree that you will hold us the SITE OWNERS in no way responsible for your use or misuse of any information or mis-information resulting in undesirable consequences.

Also, please bear in mind that our K1 exeriences happened mainly between 1999 and 2000, and that things may have changed with the process between then and now. Make sure you research many sites, not just this one.

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send an email to ade and chris

Please contact us, using the email links, if you have any questions relating to our personal experiences, or have anything in common with us. We'd love to hear from you! If you have any detailed questions relating to the K1 visa process then please visit the FAQ site or the newsgroup alt.visa.us.marriage-based, details on our links page. Also, please read the disclaimer below.

send us an email

Last Updated June 2004